+30 695 623 1006


  • Timing:

    since 2006 at now

  • Areas:

    Mediterranean sea

  • Type of research:

    eto-ecology, environmental modeling and bioacoustics

  • Audience

    all members GAIA

  • Phone number:

    +30 695 623 1006

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The research activity of recent years focuses on birds, marine mammals and amphibians. The areas of study range from studies of eto-ecology to environmental modeling and bioacoustics.

Even before establishing the association, the founding members carried out research activities in autonomy, in the context of the Association Sea Land ADS, in collaboration with Universities and Technical Agencies, of which Gaia has inherited some of the research projects.

Gaia research projects are located in 5 main areas of study.

Liguria-The Pelagos Sanctuary: 2006-2009; 2018-2019

Acoustic and visual Monitoring of cetacean in the Pelagos Sanctuary. In collaboration with the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of the University of Turin and Thalassa Reserach and Formation.


  • to assess the presence, abundance, distribution of cetacean species and their interaction with human activities.


Sardinia-Bonifacio Strait: 2007-2008

Acoustic and visual monitoring of bottlenose dolphin in the waters of Corsica's South-Eastern and North-Eastern Sardinia. In collaboration with the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of the University of Turin, Sea Land ADS, the CTS Environment.


  • to study the distribution of the bottlenose dolphin, group sizes and the presence of calves
  • to analyze the behavior in relation with boat traffic
  • to train and raise awareness using the resources of eco-tourism and sustainable pleasure sailing


Ionian Islands: 2008-2014; 2016-in progress

Visual and acoustic monitoring of cetaceans in the waters of the Ionian Greece, Central-Eastern Mediterranean. In collaboration with the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of the University of Turin, CTS Environment, Thalassa Research and Formation,


  • to study the habitat use
  • to identify the presence of continuous habitat
  • to estimate the populations size and the social structure
  • sto estimate the degree of residency
  • to evaluate the influence of environmental variables on distribution
  • to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities


The gulf of Corinth: 2009-in progress

Visual and acoustic monitoring of cetaceans, plancton, litter (beach litter and macro floating litter) in the Gulf of Corinth. In collaboration with Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of the University of Turin, Department of Biology University of Bari, Thalassa Research and Formation


  • to evaluate the presence and spatial distribution of different species
  • to study the context-specific vocalizations cetaceans
  • to study the associations between species
  • to deepen to knowledge on cetaceans' habitat use
  • to estimate the populations size and the social structure and the dynamics of groups
  • to estimate the degree of residency; to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities


The Adriatic and Ionian sea: 2014-in progress

Visual monitoring of: cetaceans, litter, turtles, seabirds and jellyfish along the route Ancona-Patras. In collaboration with ISPRA, Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of the University of Turin, the Academy of Leviathan, and Minoan Lines ferries


  • to evaluate the presence and spatial distribution of the different species of cetaceans in the Adriatic Sea and the Ionian Sea
  • to assess the risk of collision with high-speed ferry along the route monitored
  • to evaluate the presence and distribution of litter and its overlap with the megafauna
  • to evaluate the seasonal variability and the existence of cetacean core area





Azzolin M., Saintingan S., Costantino M., Zampollo A., Arcangeli A., Maina I., Kavvadas S., Carlucci R., Giacoma C. (2021). Modelling the distribution of striped dolphins in the first two periods of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Gulf of Corinth, Greece). IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the sea. Extended Abstract.

Pietroluongo G., Miliou A., Tintore B., Tsimpidis T., Azzolin M. (2021). Vessel-based surveys as a tool to fill critical knowledge gap on Grampus griseus in the north eastern Aegean Sea. IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the sea. Extended Abstract.

Papale E., Azzolin M., Cascão I., Gannier A., Lammers M.O., Martin V., Oswald J., Perez-Gil M., Prieto R., Silva M.A., Torri M., Giacoma C. (2021). Dolphin whistles can be useful tools in identifying units of conservation. BMC Zoology 6:22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40850-021-00085-7

Azzolin M., Arcangeli A., Cipriano G., Crosti R., Maglietta R., Pietroluongo G., Saintingan S., Zampollo A., Fanizza C., Carlucci R. (2020). Spatial distribution modelling of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) at different geographical scales within the EU Adriatic and Ionian Sea Region (ADRION), Central-eastern Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. Vol.30 (Issue6): 1194-1207. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3314

Zotou M., Gkrantounis P., Karadimou E., Tsirintanis K., Sini M., Poursanidis D., Azzolin M.,Dailianis T., Kytinou E., Issaris Y., Gerakaris V., Salomidi M., Lardi P., Ramfos A., Akrivos V.,Spinos E., Dimitriadis C., Papageorgiou D., Lattos A., Giantsis I., Michaelidis B.,Vassilopoulou V., Miliou A., Katsanevakis S. (2020). Pinna nobilis in the Greek seas (NE Mediterranean): on the brink of extinction?. Med. Mar. Science, 21(3), 575-591. doi:https://doi.org/10.12681/mms.23777

Azzolin M., Costantino M., Saintignan S., Pietroluongo G. (2020). Mediterranean monk seals increased detection in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) during CoViD-19 lockdown. 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the sea. Extended Abstract

Saintignan S., Costantino M., Milou A., Moscatelli S., Pietroluongo G., Azzolin M. (2020). Habitat use of Delphinus delphis (Linnaeus, 1758) in the southern waters of Samos island (Aegean Sea, Greece). 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the sea. Extended Abstract.

Azzolin M., Gannier, A., Papale E., Buscaino G., Mussi B., Ardizzone G., Giacoma C., Pace D.S. (2019). Whistle variability of Mediterranean short-beaked common dolphin

Arcangeli A., Maffucci F., Atzori F., Azzolin M., Campana I., Carosso L., Crosti R., Frau F., David L., Di-Méglio N., Roul M., Gregorietti M., Mazzucato V., Pellegrino G., Giacoletti A., Paraboschi M., Zampollo A., De Lucia G.A., Hochscheid S. (2019). Turtles on the trash track: loggerhead turtles exposed to floating plastic in the Mediterranean Sea. Endang. Species Res. Vol. 40: 107–121

Azzolin M., Buoninsegni J., Crosti R., Giacoma C., Giovannini A., Ramazio M., Saintignan S., Zampollo A., Arcangeli A. (2019) Striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) distribution in the Adrion Region (Adriatic and Ionian Sea) in relation with environmental and antropogenic variables. Biol. Mar. Med. 26(1)

Costantino M., Giovannini A., Pietroluongo G., Saintignan S., Zampollo A., Giacoma C., Azzolin M. (2019). Striped dolphin Home Ranges within the IMMA and Natura 2000 Area “Gulf of Corinth”(Greece). 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the sea. Extended Abstract

Sebastien S., Costantino M.,  Giovannini A., Pietroluongo G., Zampollo A., Giacoma C., Azzolin M. (2019). Extent of Occurrence, Area of Occupancy, and Species Distribution Model of striped dolphin within the Gulf of Corinth (Greece). 2019 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the sea. Extended Abstract

M. Azzolin, Zampollo, Giovannini A., C. Giacoma (2018). Spatial distribution of Stenella coeruleoalba in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece). Biol. Mar. Med. 25(1).

Azzolin M., Saintignan  S., Pintore L., Friard O., Gamba M., Giacoma C. (2018). A dedicated ethogram and the employment of the software BORIS for monitoring striped dolphin surface behaviour in Greece (Gulf of Corinth). 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the sea.

Zampollo A., Azzolin M., Arcangeli A., Crosti R., Mancino C., Giacoma C. (2018). Employing ferry as platform of observation for monitoring Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) distribution in the Adriatic-Ionian region. 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the sea.

Azzolin M., Zampollo A., Saintingan S., Carlucci R., Maglietta R., Cipriano G., Crosti R., Arcangeli A., Ricci P., Giacoma C. (2018). Multi source data analysis for improving striped dolphin distribution modelling at a regional scale. 2018 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the sea.

A. Cañadas, N. Aguilar de Soto, M. Aissie, A. Arcangeli, M. Azzolin, A. B-Nagy, G. Bearzi, I. Campana, C. Chicote, C. Cottel, R. Crosti, L. David, A. Di Natale, C. Fortuna, A. Frantzis, P. Garcia, M. Gazo, R. Gutierrez-Xarxa, D. Holcer, S. Larant, G. Lauriano, T. Lewis, A. Moulins, B. Mussi, G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, S. Panigada, X. Pastor, E. Politi, M. Pulcini, J.A. Raga, L. Rendell, M. Rosso, P. Tepsich, J. Tomás, M. Tringali, Th. Roger (2018). The challenge of habitat modelling for threatened low density species using heterogeneous data: The case of Cuvier’s beaked whales in the Mediterranean. Ecological Indicator XXX: 128-136.

Antonella Arcangeli, Ilaria Campana, Dario Angeletti, Fabrizio Atzori, Marta Azzolin, Lara Carosso, Valentina Di Miccoli, Antonio Giacoletti, Martina Gregorietti, Cristina Luperini, Miriam Paraboschi, Giuliana Pellegrino, Martina Ramazio, Gianluca Sarà, Roberto Crosti (2017). Amount, composition, and spatial distribution of oating macro litter along xed trans-border transects in the Mediterranean basin. Mar. Poll. Bull. 

M. Azzolin, G. Pietroluongo, L. Pintore, A. Zampollo, C. Giacoma (2017). Land base monitoring of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) behaviour in relation to time of the day, season, location, and boat presence. Biol. Mar. Med. 24(1): 159-160.

J. Alessi, M. Arculeo, S. Airoldi, A. Arcangeli, M. Azzolin, F. Bruccoleri, G. Buffa, V. Cafaro, G.A. De Lucia, I. Campana, S. Formante, A.M. Gattoni, G. Gnone, C. Monaco, B. Mussi, S. Nuti, D.S. Pace, S. Panigada, G. Pellegrino, L. Ravagnan, M. Tringali, M. Wurtz, A. Mazzola, A. Mandich (2017). Establishment of a national network of cetacean monitoring within the marine strategy. Biol. Mar. Med. 24(1).

M. Azzolin, A. Giovannini, E. Papale, M. Reggente, C. Giacoma (2016). Analysis of the vocal repertoire of Stenella coeruleoalba in the Gulf of Corinth (Ionian Sea): “nacchere” production in relation to time and number of animals. Biol. Mar. Med. 23(1): 332-333.

M. Azzolin, A. Arcangeli, I. Campana, R. Crosti, A. Giovannini, M. Paraboschi, M. Ramazio, E. Turano, T. Vlachogianni, A. Zampollo, C. Giacoma (2016). Tursiops truncatus and Stenella coeruleoalba conservation in the Adriatic and Ionian Sea. Biol. Mar. Med. 23(1): 336-340.

Arcangeli A., Azzolin M., Campana I., Castelli  A, Luperini C.,  Marini L., Paraboschi M., Pellegrino G., Ruvolo A., Tringali M., Vetrugno A., Crosti R. (2015). Cetaceans at risk by plastic debris: a protocol for simultaneous monitoring of marine litter and marine mega-fauna. First results from the FLT Mediterranean monitoring network. Biol.Mar.Med. 22(1): 248-249.

Pace D.S., Mussi B., Airoldi S., Alessi J., Arcangeli A., Atzori F., Azzolin M., Campana I., Celona A., Fiori C., Giacoma C., Gnone G., Luperini C., Mangano R., Miragliuolo A., Moulins A., Nuti S., Pellegrino G., Rosso M., Salvioli F., Tepsich P.,  Tringali M. (2015). New insights on the presence and distribution of the endangered short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis in italian waters. Biol.Mar.Med. 22(1): 262-263.

Azzolin M., Gannier A., Lammers M.O., Oswald J.N., Papale E., Buscaino G., Buffa G., Mazzola S., Giacoma C. (2014). Combining whistle acoustic parameters to discriminate Mediterranean odontocetes during passive acoustic monitoring. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135(1), 502–512.

Giovannini A., Seglie D., Giacoma C. (2014). Identifying priority areas for conservation of Pelobates fuscus insubricus (Cornalia, 1873) using a maximum entropy approach. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23, 1427–1439.

Giovannini A., Seglie D., Giacoma C. (2014). Identifying priority areas for conservation of Pelobates fuscus insubricus (Cornalia, 1873) using a maximum entropy approach. FrogLog, 112, 61-62.

Azzolin M., Papale E., Lammers M.O., Gannier A., Giacoma C. (2013). Geographic variation of whistles of the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) within the Mediterranean Sea. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134(1), 694–705.

Giacoma C., Papale E., Azzolin M. (2013). Are Land Based Surveys a Useful Tool for Managing Marine Species of Coastal Protected Areas? Diversity 5(1):15-25.

Giovannini A. (2013). Prediction of species distribution and conservation of the biodiversity. PhD thesis.

Papale E., Azzolin M., Cascao I., Gannier A., Lammers M.O., Martin V.M., Oswald J.N., Perez Gil M., Prieto R., Silva M., Giacoma C. (2013). Geographic variability in the acoustic parameters of striped dolphin’s (Stenella coeruleoalba) whistles. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133(2), 1126-1134.

Papale E., Azzolin M., Cascao I., Gannier A., Lammers M.O., Martin V.M., Oswald J.N., Perez Gil M., Prieto R., Silva M., Giacoma C. (2013). Macro and micro geographic variation of short-beaked common dolphin’s whistles in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Ethology Ecology and Evolution, 1-13 DOI:10.1080/03949370.2013.851122

Papale E., Azzolin M., Cascao I., Gannier A., Lammers M.O., Martin V.M., Oswald J.N., Perez Gil M., Prieto R., Silva M., Giacoma C. (2013). Acoustic divergence between bottlenose dolphin whistles from the Central–Eastern North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. Acta Ethol. 1-11, DOI:10.1007/s10211-013-0172-2

Papale E., Azzolin M., Giacoma C., (2012). Vessel traffic affects bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) behaviour in waters surrounding Lampedusa island, south Italy. Journal of Marine Biological Association of U.K. 92(8), 1877-1885

Azzolin M., Galli A., Giacoma C., Giovannini A., Ronchetti F., Papale E. (2011). Valutazione dell’influenza delle variabili ambientali ed antropiche sulla distribuzione di tursiope e stenella in Grecia ionica. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 18 (1): 172-173.

Filidei E.J., Alessi J., Arcangeli A., Azzolin M., Bacchetta M., Bedocchi D., Bellingeri M., Bittau L., Castelli A., Clò A., Cozzi B., Lòpez B.D., Di Guardo G., Fiori C., Fossa F., Fossi M.C., Fozzi A., Gattoni A.M., Giurisato M., Gnone G., La Manna G., Lauriano G., Magnone F., Marini L., Marsili L., Mazzariol S., Mignone W., Moulins A., Nuti S., Orsi Relini L., Papale E., Pavan G., Podestà M., Pulcini M., Rosso M., Rutigliano R., Tempesta M., Tepsich P., Tittarelli C., Tringali M., Wurtz M., Zardin F., Fortuna C.M. (2011). Italy. Progress report on cetacean research, January to December 2010, with statistical data for the calendar year 2010. Conference Proceedings International Whaling Commission 03/2011

Malerba C., Giovannini A., Seglie D., Giacoma C. (2011). Previsione della distribuzione di anfibi a partire da un ridotto numero di segnalazioni. Un esempio di proiezione semplificata dalla scala locale a quella regionale. PIANURA, In: IV Convegno Salvaguardia Anfibi (Idro, Brescia, 18-21 maggio 2011). Idro, Brescia, 2011, vol. 27, p. 85-90, ISSN: 1722-5493

La Manna G., Clò S., Papale E., Sarà G. (2010). Boat traffic in Lampedusa waters (Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea) and its relation to the coastal distribution of common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Ciencias Marinas, 36(1): 71–81

Azzolin M. (2008). Acoustic Identification of Mediterranean odontocetes as a prerequisite for their passive acoustic monitoring. PhD Thesis. 203pp.

Azzolin M., Galante I., Giacoma C., La Manna G. (2007). Piano d’azione per il tursiope (Tursiops truncatus) nelle isole Pelagie. Documento del Progetto LIFE. Riduzione impatto attività umane su Caretta e Tursiope e loro conservazione in Sicilia (LIFE03 NAT/IT/000163). 83 pp.

Comparetto G., Galante I., Poledri B., Giacoma C., Azzolin M. (2006). Permanenza e composizione dei gruppi di tursiope (Tursiops truncatus) nelle acque circostanti Lampedusa. Atti del XVI Congresso Site Cambiamenti globali, diversità ecologica e sostenibilità, 19-22 settembre 2006, Viterbo.

Celoni F., Galante I., Azzolin M. (2006). Presenza di tursiope (Tursiops truncatus) in relazione alle modalità di pesca esercitate a Lampedusa. Atti del XVI Congresso Site Cambiamenti globali, diversità ecologica e sostenibilità, 19-22 settembre 2006, Viterbo.

Azzolin M., Azzali M.,  Brossard D., Cañadas A., Del Mas A., Perez-Gimeno N., Gamba M., Giacoma C. (2005). Conservazione degli odontoceti nel Mediterraneo: nuove prospettive per il loro monitoraggio acustico. Atti del XV Congresso SIte  Ambiente, Risorse e Sviluppo, 12-24 settembre 2005, Torino.

Ligi R., Azzolin M., Giacoma C., Piovano S., Comparetto G., Galante I. (2005). Analisi della distribuzione di Tursiops truncatus e Caretta caretta nelle isole pelagie: integrazione di dati satellitari con gli avvistamenti fatti su campo. Proceedings of the XV Congresso SIte  Ambiente, Risorse e Sviluppo, 12-24 settembre 2005, Torino.

Piovano S., Azzolin M., Balletto E., Dell'anna L., Di Marco S., Dominici A., Gamba M., Giacoma C., Mari F., Miglietta F., Nannarelli S., Pozzi L. (2002). Valutazione delle potenziali ricadute dell'uso di dissuasori acustici per la conservazione di Caretta caretta. Atti XX Convegno della Società Italiana di Etologia.


Cipriano G., Pietroluongo G., Karagouni N., Azzolin M., Saintignan S., Antichi S., Ashok K., Miliou A., Maglietta R., Fanizza C., Carlucci R. (2019). Site fidelity of Delphinus delphis by photo-identification technique in the Samos Island, Greece (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). 19een World Marine Mammal Conference, 7-12 December 2019, Barcelona, Spain. 

Arcangeli A., Atzori F., Azzolin M., Babey L., Campana I., Carosso L., Crosti R., David L., Di-Méglio, N., Frau F., Garcia-Garin O., Gregorietti M., Hamilton S., Monaco C., Moulins A.; Paraboschi M., Pellegrino G., Roul M, Scuderi A., Tepsich P., Vighi M. (2019). Modelling habitat suitability of low density cetaceans species in the Mediterranean Sea. 19een World Marine Mammal Conference, 7-12 December 2019, Barcelona, Spain. 

Melodia C., Giacoma C., Azzolin M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Pierantonio N., Buscaino, G., Papale E., Buffa Gaspare, Ceraulo M., Alessi J., Bruccoleri F., Cafaro V., Monaco C., Pellegrino G., Blasi M.F. (2019). Photo-identification and movements of bottlenose dolphins in the waters around Sicily (Italy). 19een World Marine Mammal Conference, 7-12 December 2019, Barcelona, Spain. 

Tepsich P., Cominelli S.,  Schettino I., Moulins A., Rosso M., Atzori F., Frau F.; Campana I., Paraboschi M., David L., Di-Méglio N., Roul M., Monaco C., Pellegrino G., Crosti R., Gregorietti M., Mazzucato V., Carosso L., Azzolin M., Saintignan S., Arcangeli A. (2019) Fin whale trends in the Mediterranean sea from the FLT MED MonNet long-term monitoring program. 19een World Marine Mammal Conference, 7-12 December 2019, Barcelona, Spain. 

Azzolin M., Battuello M., Mussat Sartor R., Nurra N., Saintignan S., Zampollo A., Giacoma C. (2018). Sea Turtles presence and distribution inside the Gulf of Corinth (Ionian Sea, Greece). 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtle, Porec, Croatia.

Arcangeli A., Atzori F., Azzolin M., Buoninsegni J., Campana I., Carosso L., Cinti M.G., Crosti R. , Di Miccoli V., Frau F., David L., Di-Méglio N., Cerri F., Giacoma C., Gregorietti M., Luperini C., Mazzucato V., Pellegrino G., Monaco C., Giacoletti A., Paraboschi M., Ramazio M.,  De Lucia G.A., Hochscheid S., Maffucci F. (2018). Turtles on the Trash Track: insights from the Fixed Line Transect Mediterranean monitoring Network and MEDSEALITTER projects. 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtle, Porec, Croatia.

Azzolin M., Giovannini A., Guichardaz S., Pintore L., Zampollo A., Giacoma C. (2018). Tracking striped dolphins movement in the Alkionides Gulf (Gulf of Corinth, Greece). 32 Annual Conference European Cetacean, April 2018, La Spezia, Italy.

Arianna Zampollo, Antonella Arcangeli, Ilaria Campana, Roberto Crosti, Andrea Giovannini, Alice Nestola, Miriam Paraboschi, Martina Ramazio, Cristina Giacoma, Marta Azzolin (2017). Seasonal presence of cetaceans along a trans-regional fixed line transect in the Adriatic and Ionian sea. 31rst Annual Conference European Cetacean, 1-3 May 2017, Middelfart, Denmark.

Azzolin Marta, Guido Pietroluongo, Laura Pintore, Gennaro Pingitore, Giacoma C. (2017). Daily, seasonal and yearly variation on the inshore presence of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Alkionides Gulf (Gulf of Corinth, Greece). 31rst Annual Conference European Cetacean, 1-3 May 2017, Middelfart, Denmark.

Azzolin M., Arcangeli A., Campana I., Crosti R., Paraboschi M., Ramazio M., Turano E., Zampollo A. (2016). Preliminary results on cetaceans presence and distribution along a trans-regional fixed line transect in the Adriatic and Ionian Sea. 30th Annual Conference European Cetacean, 14-16 March 2016, Funchal, Madeira.

Arcangeli A., Aissi M., Atzori F., Azzolin M., Campana I., Carosso L., Cerri F., David L., Di Meglio N., Luperini C., Moulins A., Paraboschi M., Pellegrino G., Ruvolo A., Tepsich P., Tringali M., Crosti R. (2016). Computing Ship-Strike and Near Miss along main shipping lanes; results of a direct observation study in the Mediterranean Sea undertaken from 2007 to 2015. 30th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. 30th Annual Conference European Cetacean, 14-16 March 2016, Funchal, Madeira.

Maffucci F. , Aissi M., Atzori F., Azzolin M., Campana I., Castelli A., Cerri F., Cinti F., Crosti R., David L., Di Meglio N.,  Frau F., Giacoma C., Hochscheid S.  Luperini C., Marini L., Monaco C., Moulins A., Paraboschi M., Pellegrino G., Rosso M., Ruvolo A., Tepsich P., Tringali M., Arcangeli A. (2015). Ferries as platform of opportunity for regular monitoring sea turtle distribution in the Mediterranean sea. 35th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 19-24 April 2015, Dalaman, Mulga, Turkey.

Arcangeli A., Azzolin M., Campana I., Crosti R., Marino L.A., Paraboschi M., Ramazio M., Turano E., Vlachogianni T. (2015). Winter 2015 results on abundance, composition and distribution of marine macro-litter in the Adriatic-Ionian sea. The Marine Conference "A wake of plastics, what you sea is what you get", DeFishGear, 13-15th October 2015, Venice, Italy.

Reggente M., Papale E., Anichini M., Arena N., Fedele G., Galli A., Giacoma C., Galli P., Azzolin M. (2015). Characteristics and variability of whistles emitted by striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. 29th Annual Conference European Cetacean Society, 23-25 March 2015, Malta.

Azzolin M., Papale E., Giacoma C. (2014). Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece): first sightings of the century. 28th Annual Conference European Cetacean Society, 5-9 April 2014, Liege.

Fedele G., Papale E., Anichini M., Galli A., Reggente M., Arena N., Azzolin M. (2013). Population size estimate and level of associations of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Gulf of Corinth (Ionian Sea, Greece). 27th Annual Conference European Cetacean Society, 8-10 April 2013, Setubal, Spain.

Ceraulo M., Azzolin M., Anichini M., Boldrocchi G., Buffa G., Filiciotto F., Giacalone M., Giacoma C., Maccarone V., Papale E., Reggente M., Buscaino G. (2013). Characterization and comparisons of click trains of Tursiops truncatus and Stenella coeruleoalba in the central Mediterranean Sea. 27th Annual Conference European Cetacean Society, 8-10 April 2013, Setubal, Spain.
Arena N., Papale E., Anichini M., Galli A., Reggente M., Fedele G., Dessì F., Azzolin M. (2013). Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) presence and site fidelity in the Ionian Sea (Greece). 27th Annual Conference European Cetacean Society, 8-10 April, Setubal 2013, Spain.

Reggente M. (2012). Repertorio acustico di Stenella coeruleoalba in Mediterraneo. Progetto di tesi Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Biologiche dell'Università di Milano Bicocca. A.A. 2010-2011.

Fedele G. (2012). Socioecologia di Stenella coeruleoalba in Grecia ionica. Progetto di tesi laurea specialistica in conservazione e biodiversità animale, Università di Torino, A.A. 2010-2011.

Arena N. (2012). Il tursiope della Grecia ionica: costruzione di un catalogo degli animali fotoidentificati. Progetto di tesi laurea triennale in Scienze Naturali dell’Università di Firenze.

Giovannini A., Malerba C., Seglie D., Giacoma C. (2012). Utilizzo del Principio di Massima Entropia nell’ambito della riqualificazione fluviale: un approccio conservazionistico. 2° Convegno Italiano sulla riqualificazione fluviale - CIRF – Bolzano.

Anichini M., Giacoma C., Papale E., Azzolin M. (2012). Pulsed sounds and Tail-slap in free-ranging Mediterranean striped dolphins. 26th Annual Conference European Cetacean Society, 26-28 March 2012, Galway, Ireland.

Anichini M. (2011). Analisi delle vocalizzazioni contesto-specifiche di Stenella coeruleoalba in Mediterraneo orientale (Grecia ionica). Progetto di tesi ECAU (Laurea Specialistica in Evoluzione del Comportamento Animale e dell’Uomo) Università di Torino, A.A. 2010-2011.

Galli A. (2011). Analisi della presenza e distribuzione spaziale di Tursiops truncatus e Stenella coeruleoalba nel Mediterraneo orientale (Grecia ionica). Progetto di tesi ECAU (Laurea Specialistica in Evoluzione del Comportamento Animale e dell’Uomo) Università di Torino, A.A. 2010-211.

Azzolin M., Anichini M., Giacoma C., Papale E. (2011). To be silent or to communicate? Analysis of the Mediterranean striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) acoustic behaviour in order to improve passive acoustic monitoring. 19een Biennial Conference on the Biology of the Marine mammals, 27 November-2 December 2011, Tampa, Florida.

Anichini M., Giacoma C., Papale E., Azzolin M. (2011). Mediterranean striped dolphins share echolocation information during travelling and foraging. 19een Biennial Conference on the Biology of the Marine mammals, 27 November-2 December 2011, Tampa, Florida.

Papale E., Azzolin M., Cascão I., Gannier A., Lammers M.O., Oswald J., Prieto R., Silva M.A., Giacoma C. (2011). Geographic variation in whistles produced by short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. 19een Biennial Conference on the Biology of the Marine mammals, 27 November-2 December 2011, Tampa, Florida.

Azzolin M., Anichini M., Galli A., Papale E., Giacoma C. (2010). Evidence of a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) nursery zone in the waters of a terrestrial Nature 2000 Area “Mount Gerania” (Gulf of Corinth). 24th European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 22-24 March 2010, Stralsund, Germany.

Papale E., Galli A., Anichini M., Giacoma C., Azzolin M. (2010). 2009 summer sightings of common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the Ionian Islands. 24th European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 22-24 March 2010, Stralsund, Germany.

Azzolin M., Ronchetti F., Giovannini A., Giacoma C. (2009). Analisi bioacustiche e previsionali applicate all’elaborazione di modelli gestionali del tursiope. 70° Congresso Nazionale dell’Unione Zoologica Italiana. 21-24 settembre 2009, Rapallo, Italy.

Azzolin M., Lammers M.O., Gannier A., Giacoma C. (2009). Acoustic identification of Mediterranean Odontocetes as a prerequisite for passive acoustic mitigation. 4th International Workshop on Detection, Classification and Localization of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics. 10-13 September 2009, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.

Azzolin M., Lammers M.O., Papale E., Giacoma C. (2009). Geographic variation of whistles characteristics of striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) between different areas of the Mediterranean Sea. 23rd European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 1-4 March 2009, Instanbul, Turkey.

Celoni F., Azzolin M., Galante I., Giacoma C. (2009). Interaction between bottlenose dolphin and fishing at Lampedusa island. 23rd European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 1-4 March 2009, Instanbul, Turkey.

Giacoma C., Papale E., Azzolin M. (2009). Exceptional inshore presence of fin whale over the Northern Ionian continental platform. 23rd European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 1-4 March 2009, Instanbul, Turkey.

Papale E., Giacoma C., Azzolin M. (2009). High percentage of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) groups with new-born and calf during the early summer 2008 in Southern Corsica and Northern Sardinia. 23rd European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 1-4 March 2009, Instanbul, Turkey.

Azzolin M., Lammers M.O., Giacoma C. (2008). Identificazione acustica degli odontoceti del mar Mediterraneo come prerequisito per il loro monitoraggio acustico passivo. Atti XXIII Congresso Società Italiana Etologia, 17-21 September, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy

Papale E. (2008). Monitoraggio terrestre dell'interazione di Tursiops truncatus col traffico nautico nell'isola di Lampedusa. Atti XXIII Congresso Società Italiana Etologia, 17-21 September 2008, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy

Azzolin M., Gannier A., Cañadas A., Lammers M.O., Giacoma C. (2008). Acoustic identification of five odontocete species in the Mediterranean Sea. 22nd European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 10-12 March 2008, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.

Giacoma C., Papale E., Azzolin M. (2008). Comparison between land and boat based surveys of Tursiops truncatus in Lampedusa island. 22nd European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 10-12 March 2008, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.

Papale E., Azzolin M., Giacoma C. (2008). Land based survey of Tursiops truncatus interaction with boat traffic in Lampedusa island. 22nd European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 10-12 March 2008, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
Azzolin M., Gannier A., Cañadas A., Perez-Gimeno N., Gamba M., Giacoma C. (2007). Phonetic description of seven delphinid species whistles recorded in the Mediterranean sea. 17een Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa.

Celoni F., Azzolin M., Galante I., Comparetto G., Giacoma C. (2007). Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) interaction with gill net for Mullus surmuletus at Lampedusa (Sicily). 21st European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 23-25 April 2007, Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain.

Galante I., Comparetto G., Poledri B., Giacoma C., Azzolin M. (2007). Social ecology of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the Pelagie Archipelago. 21st European Cetacean Society Annual Conference, 23-25 April 2007, Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain.

Poledri B. (2007). Catalogazione delle pinne fotoidentificate di Tursiops truncatus relativa al progetto Life “Del.Ta.” Progetto di tesi di laurea in Monitoraggio e conservazione del patrimonio naturale, Università di Genova (A.A. 2006-2007).

Papale E. (2007). Land based survey of Tursiops truncatus with boat traffic in Lampedusa Island. Progetto di tesi Laurea Magistrale ECAU (Evoluzione del Comportamento Animale e dell'Uomo), Università degli Studi di Torino (A.A. 2006-2007).

Carpenzano M. (2007). Variazione nelle strutture di popolazione di rana verde: un possibile biomarker.  Progetto di tesi di Laurea Magistrale ECAU, (Evoluzione del Comportamento Animale e dell'Uomo), Università degli Studi di Torino (A.A. 2005-2006).

Delfino M. (2007). Foto-identificazione della Balenottera comune nel Santuario dei Cetacei (Mar Ligure occidentale). Laurea triennale in Sc. Biologiche, Università di Torino (A.A. 2005-2006).

Giovannini A. (2007). Validazione di modelli predittivi della distribuzione di anfibi in  Piemonte. Progetto di tesi di Laurea Magistrale ECAU, (Evoluzione del Comportamento Animale e dell'Uomo), Università degli Studi di Torino (A.A. 2005-2006).

Celoni F. (2007). Interaction between Tursiops truncatus and fishery activities in Lampedusa Island. Progetto di tesi di: Federica Celoni, Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali di Perugia, Corso di laurea in Scienze Naturali (A.A. 2005-2006).

Cravero E. (2007). Monitoraggio delfini: messa a punto di un protocollo per analisi quantitative. Progetto di tesi Laurea Magistrale Laurea Magistrale AGAM (in Analisi e Gestione dell’Ambiente), Università degli Studi di Torino (A.A. 2005-2006).

Azzali, M., Ascoli, L., Catacchio, S., Giacoma, C., Azzolin M. (2006). An on-going investigation of acoustic behaviour of the Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus). 20eth European Cetacean Society Annual Conference. 2-7 April, 2006, Gdynia, Poland.

Celoni F., Azzolin M., Galante I., Comparetto G., Giacoma C. (2006). Fisheries catch and bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) absence/presence around Lampedusa island (Sicily – Italy). 20eth European Cetacean Society Annual Conference. 2-7 April, 2006, Gdynia, Poland.

Azzolin M., Azzali M., Brossard D., Cañadas A., Del Mas A., Perez-Gimeno N., Gamba M., Giacoma C. (2005). Phonetic description of six delphinid species whistles recorded in the Mediterranean sea: preliminary results. 16een Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. 12-16 December 2005, San Diego, California, USA.

Giacoma C., Azzolin M., Richard P., Galante I. (2005). Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and fisheries around Lampedusa island (Sicily, Italy). 16een Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. 12-16 December 2005, San Diego, California.

Ligi R., Giacoma C., Azzolin M., Comparetto G., Galante I. (2005). Bottlenose dolphin distribution in the Pelagie islands: integration of remote sensing data with sightings. 16een Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. 12-16 December 2005, San Diego, California.

Ligi R., Ciappa A., Giacoma C., Azzolin M., Richard P., Galante I. (2005). Integration of remote sensing data with bottlenose dolphin sightings in the Pelagie islands. 19th European Cetacean Society Annual Conference.2-7 April 2005, La Rochelle, France.

Ligi R., Giacoma C., Azzolin M., Comparetto G., Celoni F., Galante I., Celona A. (2005). Analisi della distribuzione di Tursiops truncatus e Caretta caretta nelle isole Pelagie: integrazione di dati satellitari con gli avvistamenti fatti su campo. VI Convegno Nazionale del Centro Studi Cetacei

Sottil P. (2005). Sviluppo del comportamento acustico di un giovane tursiope (Tursiops truncatus) in cattività, nei primi tre anni di vita in relazione alla madre e agli altri membri della sua comunità. Tesi in Sc. Naturali Università di Torino.

Witte R.H., Witte A.P., Azzolin M. (2001). Beaked whales (Ziphiidae) sightings around the convergence zone of the Southern (Indian) Ocean during November - December 1999. 15th European Cetacean SocietyAnnual Conference, 6-10 May 2001, Rome, Italy.

Azzolin M., Furlati S., Pellegrini G., Trombetti C. (1998). OBSERVER 3.0: first study of the behaviour of a couple mother-calf of Tursiops truncatus. Measuring Behavior.

Azzolin M. (1997). The study of behaviour of a mother-calf couple of Tursiops truncatus: a model for new methods of analysis. Progetto di tesi di laurea in Sc. Naturali, Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali di Torino, Corso di Laurea in Scienze Naturali (A.A. 1996-1997).